My initial goal upon meeting a new client is to create a supportive, grounding environment where they feel truly seen and safe to be their real selves. I have a gentle, direct, genuine presence, along with humor and lightheartedness, in the therapy room. It is such a privilege to hold space for clients while they identify their innate strengths, talents and patterns of behavior, and process their past in order to create a more fulfilling future.


I use an integrative approach rather than following a specific therapeutic model. I have a strong focus on identifying and working with client’s strengths and abilities as well as helping clients heal and grow in six core areas: self esteem, boundaries, owning one’s reality, wants/needs, moderation and attachment. 


Because of my background in educational settings, I have a heart for students and young adults who are wanting to process what is called little “t” trauma, meaning past events that are difficult or disturbing and have crated dysfunction in their lives. I attempt to get to the root of the issues, going even deeper than the “why.” We’ve all faced heartache in life, but we can make use of those challenges.


I love working with clients to discover a more compassionate understanding of themselves and others. When we make peace with ourselves, we can more meaningfully connect with those around us. When we have clarity about our past, we can be more present in the moment. It is challenging work, but it is infused with hope and even joy.

mark cutting line, potted plant, nature-2390065.jpg

Some of the work I specialize in:

Self esteem



Relational skills

Relational trauma

Developmental and complex trauma

Body image and weight

College counseling and planning

Some of the lenses I use:

Healing Our Core Issues, PIT based model

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Meyers Briggs Type Indicator

Strong Interest Inventory
